Back To School Printables
Well, we are almost half way through August and school is starting up. We wanted to make sure that you are all set for a successful back to school season! Today we’ve got our monthly printable blog hop featuring back to school themes. Perfect for making your back to school experience a memorable one. Jenny has created an absolutely adorable first day of school printable for your kiddos to give their teachers! Also included at the bottom of the post are the links to 11 other fabulous free summer printables created by some fun blogger friends! Check ’em out!

Hi Everyone- It’s Jenny Raulli from Bloom Designs here to share a back to school printable with you. While I am very much going to miss the unscheduled, lazy days of summer, Back-To-School is one of my favorite times of the year. Before I became a stay at home mom, I taught second grade for 9 years. I love the energy, excitement and fresh start that a new school year holds.
Teaching is truly a labor of love! It is all encompassing and most teachers pour their entire being into helping their students succeed. Now that I have kids in school, I look for every opportunity to show my support and appreciation for my children’s teachers. I always send in something for the holidays but I think it’s nice to send in the occasional “just because” gift so I’ve created a set of printables for you to use throughout the year.

Start with a small gift for the first day of school. I think of it as a hostess gift for the teacher welcoming my child into class.

Free Download
Download the free printable and print on a full label sheet on your color printer. Directions: Use a one inch punch to punch out the apple sticker.

A teacher’s favorite gift? Gift cards but even the smallest thought is much appreciated! All you do is cut out the print and glue it on a bag with some bakers twine.

Bakers twine, bitty bags and plastic boxes available here.

Jenny Raulli is the founder, editor and everything else of Bloom Designs Online. Visit her daily blog for holiday crafts,party inspiration and ways to make each day.
Thanks for reading! Have a great day! For even more back to school ideas check out this post HERE.
ooooo this rocks! thanks!!!
You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy! 🙂
Love, love, love! Thank you so much! From a busy with good intentions!
Thank you so much for sharing these free printables!! I used one for a recent blog post for a back to school post!! They are super cute!! Thanks again!
OOOO….love these!!! Thank you so much!!! Where did you get the cute little red chevron bags???
Hello , I sent may information and I didn’t receive the printables in my email … can you check ?
Hi Tatiana. It often gets sent to he junk or spam folder. If you are still have trouble getting it, please send us an email at [email protected] 🙂
I adore your page
Thank you! 🙂