Alphabet activities for preschoolers
These alphabet activities are easy to put together and will help preschoolers recognize their letters and letter sounds. My son loved doing these activities with me and I can’t wait to do them again.

Alphabet puzzle hunt
- Rice
- Alphabet letter puzzle
- Tray
- Place alphabet letters in a tray and cover with rice. Search for the letters and match to the alphabet puzzle.
*Inspired by Busy Toddler

Dot sticker alphabet match
- Toilet paper tube
- Colored dot stickers
- Sharpie
- Write the alphabet letters on the toilet paper tube and on the colored dot stickers with a sharpie. Match the dot stickers to the toilet paper tube.
*For another activity, you can cover the toilet paper tube in packing tape to make a binocular. Call out letters and have your child look around the room for things that start with that letter.

Magic letters
- White crayon
- Cardstock paper
- Water color paints
- Write the letters of the alphabet with white
crayon on a piece of cardstock paper. Have your child
find the letters with water color paints.

Stack the letters
- Toilet paper roll
- Green popsicle sticks
- Alphabet letters
- Build a tree with the popsicle sticks on top of the toilet paper roll. See how many letters you can stack on top of the tree.
*Inspired by Raising Dragons and the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Jello letters
This is a fun snack to end with. They can use the letters to write out their name and practice the sounds while enjoying each letter.
- 1 (3oz) package of Jello
- 3/4 cup of boiling water
- Cooking spray
- Alphabet mold
- Stir Jello mix into boiling water and stir to dissolve.
- Lightly spray alphabet mold with cooking spray and pour jello mixture into the mold. Chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
- Dip bottom of pan in warm water for 15 seconds to loosen the gelatin and pop out of the mold.
I hope you enjoyed these alphabet preschool activities. Let me know if you try one!