Free printable family planner
Hello friends! I hope you are all having a fabulous New Year! As a little thank you to all of my subscribers, I created this free printable family planner for you to help keep your family organized this year. Yay!
I love a new year because it gives me a fresh start. This year one of my main goals is to stay organized. I’m hoping this family planner will help me (and you) do just that. In this planner I have included a cover sheet, a monthly calendar template, Contacts, Special dates, Weekly planner, On-going to do list, cleaning list, babysitter checklist and a chore chart. If there’s anything else you’d like to see in the planner let me know in the comments.

I added the cover sheet to the front of my binder to help me remember what’s inside. Here’s a peek into the rest of my binder. I love how clean and neat it is… trust me it won’t last long! 😉 You can download all of the pages, or each individually. You can also print these in black and white if you don’t have a colored printer.

Free printable family planner

Other items to add to your binder (optional)
I will also be adding these items to my binder in the case of an emergency. A friend at church recommended doing these things below and I think it is a great idea to have everything in one spot so you can reach for your binder in the case of an emergency.
- Cash -place inside of a sheet protector
- Documents- copies of birth certificates, social security cards, and other important documents
- Home inventory- take pictures of your most valuable items in case you need to ever make an insurance claim
- Computer files -back up your photos and place in a CD to place in your binder.

Enjoy your free downloads!
Are you ready to get organized this year?
This is awesome! Thanks so much for helping me to get organized this year.
You are very welcome! Enjoy your family planner! 🙂
HI! I am loving your family planner and having trouble trying to download it! Any tips please?
Love the family planner! Thank you for sharing!
Did you subscribe? After you enter your name and email it should send you an email with a password and link. Let me know if it isn’t working!
Hi Jamielyn, i´ve already subscribed but i didn´t receive any email with password and link. Could you help me?
Hi Roberta! Try entering your name and email again and it will send you a confirmation email. Then make sure to confirm your subscription and it will send you another email with a password and link to the printables. Make sure to check your spam! 🙂 If you are still having problems, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]! Thanks!
I subscribed and confirmed. How long until I get the email with the link and password?
It should have come within a couple hours! Make sure to check in your spam folder too! If you still are having troubles, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]! 🙂
Its not working HELP!!? please?!
Sorry you are having trouble Mia, go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
Fabulous!! Thank you, thank you! Just downloaded everything and am printing away. So perfect and exactly what my little fam needs to stay organized! Blessings!
You are very welcome! I’m so glad they will help keep you organized, they have definitely been helpful for me so far! 🙂
Thanks for a GREAT post! I downloaded the full planner already! My favorite parts are the weekly planner and the to-do list. Love the colors. Thanks so much for helping keep me organized this year!
Thank you so much for sharing your talents and skills. It means a lot to me!
Jilly oxo
Glad you enjoyed it Jilly! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for commenting Sara! Enjoy your family planner!! 🙂
Thank you! XXOO
You are so welcome Kathy, thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Your site is inspriing me.. I need this special boost to get organized and to live my life fully, and stop wasting time….I used tob e a lsit keeper in my vocation but retirement has rjuined me…. dont get me wrong… Ilove it… hahahaha, but I am wasting too much time…. thanks… yhour organizers look great!
I’m glad I could help a little bit. I always need a little push to get organized too, so this planner has been wonderful for me! 🙂
I subscribed and confirmed my email but can’t see any way to download.
It should have sent you an email with a password and a link. Make sure to check your spam folder as well. Let me know if you still didn’t receive the email! 🙂
you always share the BEST printables – thanks so much for this!
Thanks Heather! Have a great week! Xo
Where did you get the font you used for the words “family planner?” and “Get organized this year” I’ve been looking for that font everywhere!
It is called Janda Elegant Handwriting! 🙂
oops, I was trying to find the download for the great looking planner I have signed up and comeback went on facebook but where do I get them to download? Thanks just an old gal
Hi Judy! Did you subscribe to our monthly newsletter? If you just enter your name and email, it will send you an email with a password and a link and the planner will be available to you! 🙂
Thanks You. ^^
Love your free printables! I’m putting together my planner for the year and I like your ideas for keeping cash and an inventory list in there as well. Would you mind sharing the font you used? I was thinking of typing up our inventory list and I’d love it to match the rest of the planner.
I used the font Janda Elegant Handwriting and Bebas Neue! 🙂 Enjoy your planner!!
Love these & the calendars— thank you!
You are so welcome! Thanks for stopping by Joanne! 🙂
merci …. même si pour le moment je ne suis toujours pas parvenue a télécharger hihhi j’espère y arriver !
Thanks for this, my family really needs this. My mum has been going crazy because we don’t have a planner of things to do at home, it will be very useful!
You are so welcome! It definitely is stressful not having a planner! I am glad this will come in handy for you!! 🙂 XO
Hola, ya me he suscripto y no logro bajar el planificador familiar
Can’t figure out how to download the planner. I provided my name and email, went to my email and clicked on the link. It just brings me back to the website. Your instructions said to enter a password. I wasn’t given a password to enter and I didn’t see a place to enter a password anyway. Please help.
Nevermind! Got it. I didn’t realize the first email I received was just confirming my email address and subscription. I just received the second email. Thank you!
I’m glad it worked! Enjoy your family planner!! 🙂
I’m already subscribed but didn’t see the link for these. How can I have it sent again? Thanks!
If you just enter your name and email to subscribe again, it will send it to you! 🙂
I tried but it said I’m already subscribed and didn’t send anything 🙁
Sorry it’s giving you troubles! Shoot me an e-mail and I’ll send you the password. xo ([email protected])
I received my link but no password nor a place to enter it…
Hi Mario. You should first receive a confirmation email for subscribing with a link to confirm and then you will receive another email with the password and link with the planner!
Hello, I am also having trouble. I cannot seem to locate the link for the download. I can’t wait to start!
Hi Velvet! You have to enter your name and email to subscribe and then a confirmation email will be sent to you for you to accept and it will send you a password and link for the planner! 🙂
Thank you!
You’re welcome, thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Many thanks for sharing that lovely planner!
You’re welcome! 🙂
I LOVE these, but I’m also having trouble accessing them. I subscribed, but I didn’t get the email with the link. I checked my spam, and it isn’t there either. Thank you so much!
My first message isn’t very clear. I received the email with the confirmation link, but I didn’t receive a second email to access the printables. Hope that makes sense: )
I received the email and am able to access the printables! Thank you: )
Enjoy your family planner Lauren! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing! I love it! You are so talented!!! I’ve been trying to organize all of our accounts and passwords(airline mileage #s, library, school parent portal, netflix, internet log in, etc.) on one sheet. Do you have anything like that by chance? Thank you in advance!
Do you have a “list of important numbers” sheet by chance?
Hi Jamielyn I liked your family planner idea is there anyway it will be available for other softwares? It wouldn’t let me download it because it’s only for Windows.
Hi! It should be available for all softwares, we created it on a Mac and saved it as JPG. Maybe try using a different browser or clearing you cookies. If you are still having trouble, you can send me an email!
So cute! Thank you so much! Can I ask what kind of software you use to make these? There are a few pages I need that I would like to try to create my own.
Hi Hannah! We used Photoshop to create this printables! Let us know if there are any printables you want and we can consider making them for our next newsletter. 🙂
Thank u for all of the free printables!
You are very welcome Lesley! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
HI! I have subscribed and I have not received the second email yet? I tried to subscribe again and it said I was already a user….Help please 🙁 PS Its not in my spam either.
Hi Tracie! I am sorry you are having trouble with it! Go ahead and send me an email and I would be happy to send it to you. My email is [email protected]! 🙂
Thank you SO much for putting this together! I love it and I’m so very happy I found you when searching for a monthly calendar! One other page idea is one totally dedicated to weekly meal planning including a place to list ingredients needed…I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve gone to make a meal from my ‘plan’ and realize I’m one ingredient short. Arrrgh! Lol!
I am so glad you like it Donna!! It has definitely helped me get organized this year! Haha, that has happened to me several times as well so that was a main reason I added it! 🙂
I simply loooove your site!!! I can´t wait every night to see what´s new. I would love to download this planner but the mail I got only redirects here, I already sign in again here, could you help me! Thanks in advance!!
Hi Martha! I am sorry you are having trouble with it. Go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can send you the PDF! 🙂
Thank you for your reply, I got it already. It turns out I was doing it wrong. Sorry!! And thanks again for your beautiful site! I enjoy it a lot!!
Thank you! These are wonderful and I love the colors. Have you considered doing a grocery list in the same style? Sure would love to have that! Maybe one with pre-done commonly purchased items but space to add more in each category?? Thanks again!
Hi Leila! That’s a great idea, we’ll definitely consider it for our next group of printables we make! Look out for them in your email! 🙂
Many thanks for these free printables! I also share the “get organized” goal this year (every year, not kidding!). I don’t mean to sound greedy/ungrateful, but is there any chance you would consider creating a 12 month planner printable (that allows you to jot down goals for each month), and a monthly planner printable (to help drill down into what needs to be accomplished each week to meet the monthly goals)? The weekly planner printable is great…I’m just trying to break down my high level goals for the year into monthly, weekly, and daily goals, and I love the layout you’ve created!
You are very welcome for the free printables Susan! 🙂 Thanks for the idea. We will definitely consider them for our next printable set!
Like your idea and I think this is a planner I can actually use and keep up to date. Thank you so very much for your hard work and offering this to us.
Thanks for your comment. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂
I love this! Thanks for the freebie. I’m adding a workout schedule to my binder, a grocery list for monthly shopping and weekly shopping, and a bi weekly meal planning page with recipes attached.
You’re welcome! Those are all great things to add to your family planner!
Thank you so much for this! We have a new nanny that just started and I printed out this family binder to help us all stay in sync. You are awesome!
You are very welcome! I’m glad this will come in handy to you Julie! 🙂
Sorry, but I can’t seem to figure this out. It’s not letting me subscribe via the linked button. :/
Hi Kerry! Normally this is how it goes: 1. Enter your name and email. 2. A confirmation email will be sent that you need to confirm. 3. Another email will be sent that has the free printable. If you are still having troubles, go ahead and send me an email at [email protected]. 🙂
Hope to receive this planner!
Love the planner!!
What a lovely family planner! Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks Natalie! Hope you enjoy it! 🙂
I have subscribed and joined and never did receive my free printable download and it has been 24 hrs.
Hi Dawn! After you subscribed, it should send you a confirmation email, then you need to confirm, and then another email will come with the printables! If you are still having troubles, go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send you the printables! 🙂
I am looking forward to downloading my set. Thank you
Hope you enjoy your family planner! 🙂
I haven’t received my email and the site says I am already a member when will this show up in my inbox? I have checked my spam folder too any ideas.
Hi Christina! Once you subscribe, you should receive an email that you need to confirm, then another email should come with the printable planner! If you are still having troubles, go ahead and send me an email at [email protected]! 🙂
COOL! I’ve just printed this sweet-useful planner! Thank you for sharing and I’m waiting for the next nice-concept planner 😉
Enjoy your planner! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
i want in 😉
I never received an e-mail with a password to download the free printable family planner and would so love to be able to do it. I enjoy all your posts on Pinterest. Could you please add me to your list?
Hi Donelle! Go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send you the planner! 🙂
I can’t seem to get it to download. I’ve waited hours. 🙁
Can you please help me? It looks so wonderful to use!
Hi Dia! If you have already subscribed and confirmed your email and never got a second email…you can go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
i can’t seem to download it. help please
Hi Tessa! Did you subscribe and then confirm the email that comes? You should receive an email with the download after you do that! If you are still having troubles, go ahead and send me an email! 🙂
i have problems downloading them too 🙁 don’t like downloading programs i dont now is there any other way
Hi Lourdes! You need to subscribe to my page to get the family planner. It will then send you a confirmation email. Once you have confirmed, it will send you the family planner in an email! It shouldn’t make you download anything weird! 🙂
I cant seem to download Ive recieved the email to confirm && also an email with the link to this one again to download but I cant find any way to download this
Hi Dannee! I’m sorry you are having trouble, go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
Dear Jamielyn, congrats for this beautiful planner and thanks for your generosity. I’ve subscribed and entered the password, but still have problems in download it. Can you help me, please!
Hi Helen! I’m so sorry you are having trouble downloading it! Go ahead and send me and email and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
I love this idea!
Heyy (: i love this idea. I’ve subscribed and confirmed but was not sent a password.. Ive tried to re-subscribe but it will not allow me to because I’ve already subscribed.. Could you help me?
Hi Kimberly! Go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
I can not download the family planner. I did subscribe and clicked on the email that was sent to my email. Any thought?
I’m not sure why it isn’t working for you. Go ahead and send me an email and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
Love this!
Thanks for the feature! 🙂
I love your family planner….was wondering how to get it to print pages for a filofax binder?
Hi Linda! I’m not sure how to get these pages to print for a filofax binder! The only thing I can think of is to change your settings when you print so that it prints at a certain size! Hope that helps!
Hi there! I subscribed but never got an email. Can you help please? Thanks so much!
Hi Samantha! Go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
You made my day .Let’s see…my week or month or even my year 🙂 Thanks a million! Jamielyn
You are very welcome!! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Love your binder!! What software are they created in? Is there any way to get the binder printables in an editable format so I can fill in blanks on my computer instead of handwritten? I want to laminate and then use dry erase markers on them. Thanks!
Heidi, that’s a great idea !!!!
Hi Heidi! These were done in Photoshop. Unfortunately we don’t have the editable file anymore! I’m sorry!
I love the family planner. Will you be adding things for 2015 ? Also, did you make this on word or do you have a special program? There is no way I could do this myself. Lol thank you
Hi Tia! Yes we will definitely be making a revised version for 2015! Is there anything you would like to see in it? We made it in Photoshop. 🙂
hi, i’d like to download your family planner.. thank you :*
Hi! I love your family planner I have been looking for something like this for a while now 🙂 but I’m unable to download it I have already signed up and confirmed my email. Any thing I’m doing wrong??
Hi! I’m sorry it hasn’t sent to you, go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you.
I subscribed, but where is the link to download this? :/
Hi Sarah! Once you subscribe, you should get an email to confirm it, and then it will send you another email with the family planner! If that doesn’t work, go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you. 🙂
Being organized is a pet peeve of mine it’s nothing like being organized please continue
Hi, I have subscribed, but not received god confirm link. Pls help
It’s not showing me the download button for the free printables. I would like to print them for next year.
Hi Vanessa! This printable is for all of my subscribers! You can subscribe and it will send you an email. Then confirm the email and it will send you another email with the free printable! 🙂
Hey there! So glad I stumbled upon your site, I have just begun reading through! I have subscribed, but I’m having a problem being able to access this printable. Can you offer any help? Thank you so much!
Hi Brittney! After you subscribe it should send you an email that you need to confirm and then it will send you another email with the printable! If you are still having troubles, you can email me and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
That is happening to me too – can you please send me the printable via email?
Thank you so much for sharing these printables! They made making our Family Binder so much easier 🙂
Your family command center looks wonderful! Thanks for commenting so I could see pictures of how you used my printables! Love it! 🙂
Merci pour ces imprimables, ils sont beaux et pratiques, tout ce qu’il faut pour organiser nos journées facilement et agréablement.
Hi Jamielyn,
I’m just in love with your printables, but I’m having trouble downloading them even after I’ve subscribed and received the email with the password and link. Somehow I keep getting this page not found message. Could you help me please?
Hi Elise! Send me an email to [email protected] and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
Hi there! Absolutely love your site. I’m having problems with this download. In my confimation email, I am sent a link with a password, but the link isn’t working? I’m able to access other printables, just this one doesn’t work?
Thanks so much for all the inspiring ideas!
Hi Sheila! Go ahead and send me an email and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
Hi, Jamielyn! This planner looks fantastic, and I would love to use it, but when I click on the link in the second email it says that the page can’t be found. Any suggestions???
Hi, Jamielyn! I signed up, got the 2 emails, but when I clicked the link, it said “Page not Found.” Any suggestions?
I signed up and then received the email for the free printables and I clicked the link and it said ‘page not found’?
Trying to access the free pintables with the link and password you emailed. It’s saying that it does not exist. I really want to print the family planner. Please help.
Hi Susan! I’m sorry you are having trouble. You can send me an email at [email protected] and I will try and sent it to you. 🙂
My name is Julia, I´m from Argentina.. I have just found this free printables by pinterest… I already made the suscription but I can´t download these files, can you please help me?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Hi Julia! Go ahead and send me an email and I can try and send it to you! 🙂
Love the simplistic and elegant design of family planner! Thank you.
Thanks Renette! I’m so glad you enjoy it. 🙂
Hello, my english is nog good, but i want to ask for send me please de familyplanner.
I live in Belgium en i love your blog.
What a cute idea…would love to use it to get more organized! Thanks! 🙂
I’ve subscribed but I don’t know what I have to do to download the planner.. Can you help me, please?
Hi Maria! Once you subscribe it should send you a confirmation email, then you need to confirm and it will send you another email with the link of the free printable family planner. 🙂
How do i print the family planner pages?
Hi Kayla! You need to subscribe and it will send you a confirmation email, then click the confirmation link and it will send you an email with the free printable planner! 🙂
Me gustaría recibir sus archivos, gracias
Hi, i subscribed and got the email, however when i click on the linka dn type the password it wont go to the page. it loads forever and than take me to enter the password page again. can you please help?
[email protected]
Hi Brandy! I’m sorry you are having trouble! Send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you. 🙂
Thank you for sharing.
how do I print these wonderful ideas?? I have looked everywhere and I still can’t find it
Hi Rachael! You need to subscribe and it will send you a confirmation email, then confirm the email and it will send you a link with the printables! 🙂
I love the look of your printables! I too am on a quest to be better organized to be a better wife and mother. When trying to confirm my subscription to your wonderful site, the confirmation email never arrives. If you could give me some assistance, I would be grateful.
Hi Kelli! Make sure to check your spam folder, it may go there. If you still don’t receive it, you can send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you. 🙂
Hi! I just signed up to receive your monthly newsletters, and I think I accidentally deleted the subscription e-mail confirmation. Could you please resend that to me? I would love to be able to use some of your family planner pages. Thank you for posting them!
He Marjorie! Try subscribing again and it should send it to you again! If not, send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you.
Great info!
How can I print out the family planner?
Hi Christina! You need to subscribe and it will send you an email with the printable! 🙂
I subscribed and I can’t print any of the downloads. Is there a trick to printing?
Hi Celina! Once you subscribe it should send you a confirmation email. Then you click the link in the email and it will email you another link with the family planner free printable! 🙂
Hi, I just subscribed and received email with confirmation link. I did not receive any login or password info and am unable to access any of your awesome resources! Can you please help? Thanks
Hi Leah! If you clicked the confirmation link, it should have sent you another email with the free printable! If you are still having trouble, send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you. 🙂
this is the 2014 version correct? I just subscribed and am wanting to get together my 2015 planner, trying to get in the habit of using a planner more this year. Thanks.
Hi Aubrey! Here is the 2015 version: The planner should come to your email once you subscribe and you will click on the confirmation link. Then another email will come with the link to the free printable planner! 🙂 Make sure to check your spam folder. Let me know if you have any problems! 🙂
There isn’t the cover photo !!!
The cover should be there now Charlotte! 🙂
I like your 2015 family planner, but I LOVE the pattern on the 2014 family planner. How do I change the 2014 calendar pages to reflect the 2015 dates?
Hi Sandy! We actually did a new design for 2015. 🙂
Love It!!
Thank you! 🙂
Beautiful work. I would love a Reading Log that would match the On-going To Do list!
I cann´t find the download (family planer)
Could you help me?
Hi! You need to subscribe and then you will receive a link by email to the planner. 🙂
I need this organization! Thank you:)
You are so welcome!
Starting school and work again in a new state tying to get as organized as possible.
These printable downloads will help my girls stay organized I am hoping.
pretty cool planner thanks for sharing
I love it!
im trying to get organized
Please send me link to print.
Great idea, love it
I too am having difficulty downloading after subscribing.
Hi Shauna! Make sure to check your Spam folder. If you are still having trouble, you can send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you.
Sorry I guess I’m a bit impatient. Thank you.
Would love the link!
I love your blog! I’m just finding may way to my voice and niche in the blogging community (I literally JUST started) but when I found this I thought. . .how great! I shared your link to the free printables on my facebook page. EVERYONE needs help staying organized and you’ve made it so neat, tidy and EASY to have a hardcopy at their fingertips. Thank you! (I realize it is March already. . .but new years resolutions are like weight loss goals. . .start again on Monday or in this case. . .Thursday!) Thanks again 🙂
Please want printable family planner
im just looking to get more organized around the home.
can you please send me the link
I tried to download the family planner, said that I was already a member, but I have never received anything so that I could download this free printable. Looks like others are having the same trouble, are we missing something?
Hi Heather! If you subscribe again it should send you an email. If you are still have trouble, send me an email at [email protected] and I can try and send it to you. 🙂
I have been trying to download the family planner printables, and there are no live links. I subscribed and then followed the link from my email, I clicked on the pictures themselves, I tried subscribing a second time, nothing works. What am I missing?
Hi Becki! I am sorry you are having trouble downloading the family planner. Normally once someone subscribes, they will receive a confirmation email, then another email with a link to the printables to download. If you are still having difficulty, you can send me an email at [email protected] I can try and send them to you! 🙂
My first endeavor with a planner, are you open to questions?
Yes of course! 🙂
I love it
How long does it usually take to receive the download. I think I have bombarded you with my information. Forgive me please!
Nancy Tucker
Hi Jamielyn, thanks for the awesome website…enjoy all of it…I can’t get the “last years planner” to print…I have subscribed twice I think…it just won’t print. I think it is a very nice one and I can really make use of it…please let me know what else I can do. Thank you for offering it and just letting you know I like the recipes too!!! Thanks, Happy Memorial Day….
Hi Lin! Once you subscribe it will send you an email with the link to the printables. Then save them to your desktop and print each one separately! Hope that helps! 🙂
I love your free printables they are so chic. i can’t wait for next years designs 🙂
I have subscribed to the newsletter with no response, nothing in my spam either.
i accidently deleted my email with the link on it how can i get u to send me another email with the link please
sarah hall
Hi Sarah! You just need to resubscribe and it will send it to you again! 🙂
Thank you so much for the free download~
I couldn’t print the organizer that is on your website. Can you help me?
Thank you,
Antoinette Mittelsteadt
Hi Antoinette! Once you subscribe, you will receive an email with a confirmation link. Then once you confirm you will receive another email with a link to the free printables! 🙂
Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas and hard work!
hi! there’s trouble with subscribing. mailing list is not active. can you help me? thank you
I love this
I’m in charge of our family reunion and I think the ideas, lessons and inspirations are excellent.
yes i love
Hi I’ve registered but there is no where I can download the family planner. Could you please send it to me.
The family planner will come via email after you subscribe and confirm the email! 🙂
I get an e-mail, but when I click on the link just a window opens and I can´t download anything. Could you please tell me how to make it rightor just send it to me?
how do you get the planner
Hi Mia! You have to subscribe to receive the planner. If you would just like the calendar here is the link: 🙂
HI! I am loving your family planner and having trouble trying to download it! Any tips please?
Hi Rye! Did you subscribe to the email list yet? It will send you a confirmation email and then another email with the free printable planner! 🙂
Love this site!
Great ideas!!
this is helpful thanks
i love it! thanks
It’s not working 🙁 ther’s no link to download..
Hi Aga!
Please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions, I’m happy to help!
Yes..i subscribed, i get email and password ..still not working
I’m loving this site.. Thank you for your hard work!
I cannot access the family binder! I submitted my subscription info and got a link to a page with 2015 and 2014 binders…
Hi Dee!
Our 2016 calendar is no longer available.
Please let me know if I can help in anyway! Thanks! 🙂
Looks great!
Do you have an updated planner for 2017? Thanks
Yes, we do! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your talent and hard work!
Jilly oxo
excited to get organized
Glad this could help! 🙂
Beautiful work!
Are we supposed to put a plastic sleeve over the pages and write on them with dry-erase markers?
Yup that will work, or some people like to laminate them so they are more sturdy.
thank you